Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 3 {Griffin Gazette}

We ended our week last Friday by celebrating all the SUMMER birthdays...there were 4! Wow!
We had enough snacks for an army. It was delicious. Thanks for supporting this fun afternoon!
THIS week in Kindergarten:
We are learning about the DAILY FIVE during Literacy. It consists of the following:
{Read to Self}
{Read to Someone}
{Listen to reading}
{Word Work}
Kindergarteners will master READING to SELF this week. We are choosing our READING spots in our room. We are getting our own book box and we are learning about the 3 ways to read a book...
1. Read the pictures
2. Read the words
3. Retell a story you know
You can work on these skills at home too. Let your child choose a cozy nook somewhere in the house. 
We will also learn that READING is THINKING while reading BROWN BEAR, BROWN BEAR. 

This week in Writing...
We are heart mapping (writing and drawing things we know and love for our tool belt in writer's workshop)
We are practicing our structure (MINI-lesson, WRITE, SHARE)
We are learning about RED and GREEN light pieces of writing. 
We are writing everyday! 
WRITER's Workshop steps: THINK, DRAW, WRITE, READ...

Other news:
Our swim unit is this whole week. We leave for Targhee at 11:30. Please remember your child's suit, towel, goggles and snack all week. 
My volunteers are:
Monday and Tuesday-Crista
Wednesday - Liz
Thursday - Patricia
Friday - Crista

I will be assessing your child's reading, math and spelling skills this week. Help them eat a good breakfast and get plenty of rest. Thanks for your help! 

Below are OUR summer B-days!!! Happy Birthday!!!

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