Monday, February 1, 2010

sneak peek.

Puppets have been a HOTspot lately in CENTERS...we took a field trip to the ALTA library a few weeks ago and they have ALL these which WE Hammed it up with I broke out our puppets and have been encouraging puppet shows...they love it.
Playplace is the #1 pick in Centers! I love the conversations that go on in here....hilarious!
Every week we get to make a new word sort (it usually goes right along with our letter of the week) are getting better at the routine....and they love Friday..because they get to GLUE it down!
Lately in the morning as kids arrive...I have out a floor puzzle...they are obsessed with finishing it...and if they don't finish, they BEG to leave it there until later...sometimes I give in! I love watching the TEAMwork!
Last Friday, I taught some to play H.O.R.S.E and P.I.G
It was so funny. I don't know if they really got it...because about midway through our 2nd little boy says, "Mrs. Griffin, Can we just play basketball now?".....
Here they are mid game...
check out that form.
When asked what are you guys playing: in unison..."STarwars Mrs. Griffin....wanna play?"
We had a special little visitor on Friday who will go to KINDERgarten next year. My kids all of a sudden seemed so big...they were such BIG helpers to him. They were showing him the ropes and explaining rules...I loved watching this.
PUZZLE completed: YES!!!!!!

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