Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb. 1st GG

This week in Kindergarten:
READing- We are reading "SEE HOW WE GROW" and talking about how much we have changed since we were babies. Our letters of the week are /Dd/ and /Kk/ and our snap words are review words: see and look *See FAMILY times that will come home on Tuesday night for more information.

WRITing- We are working on our "EXPERT books"...a book about an animal that we chose and that we KNOW a lot about. Kids had to brainstorm 4+ facts last week about their animal. This week we use a MENTOR text (HELPer book) to guide us on how we want our book to look...AND we TRY it out.

MATH- Kids are measuring the BLUE whale this week (see Kindergarten) hallway for more!
We are also working on number card games, probability, and reviewing the PAN balance.
Our sharing this week can start with a D or a K...Please remind your child they can bring both or just one. We only had 3 shares last week and are hoping for more this week!
Remember last week when I mentioned the ACCREDITATION for our school. Well, this week a team of 2 teachers and 1 principal will be in our school. For any questions, see older post for link. NOTE: Oral Exit report will be given by this team on Friday at 3:00-3:30. All are welcome! Please feel free to join us as you are the stakeholders of our school!
*CHeck 100th day post to learn more about it!!!! Scroll on down!

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