Thursday, February 7, 2013

What's up in the Kindergarten corral?

Hooray! Hooray! It's the 100th day today!

Look Mrs. Griffin!
We celebrated the 100th day and this Friday we are celebrating almost 4,000 eagle feathers by going to Badger Creek Sledding Hill. I am so excited for the kids. We went last year and it was so much fun. Remember to dress warm...and bring a sled!

During reading workshop students learn during the mini lesson time and then we have a practice time. Students are learning that READING should sound like talking...we call it Smoothy Cow! Smoothy cow reads smooth like yogurt...not bumpy like cottage cheese. Give this a go at home tonight with their homework books.

In our class we did a TEAM building activity and shared why we love our school. Kids had to write it down and them find a way to capture their idea in a photo. We hung them up in class. Come and check it out if you wish! I also started LUNCH BUNCH today (THURSDAY) too. LUnch bunch will meet on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Two kids will be invited each day to attend and we as a group can work on our relationship together. There seems to be less barriers up at this time. Today I ate with Chip and Bjorn...we had a picnic on the floor! It was awesome...I now know that Chips loves mint chocolate chip icecream and Bjorn will eat a kiwi with the furry skin on it....FUN!

Remember...every week we have LETTER remind your child to bring something in either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.

We have started a conversation around RESILIENCY in class...
Does your child know what being resilient means?
The ability to recover from misfortune or change.

Is your child resilient?

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